CU treated co-conspirator John Eastman better than they treated antiracist Greg Cronin
Explore Prof. Cronin personal experiences as a tenured professor at CU Denver and the challenges he faced due to racism. Discover how his work with Black people in Haiti and speaking out against racism led to his termination.
Greg Cronin
8/11/20232 min read
John Eastman (left, photo from this article) used CU's email system to try to overturn the 2020 presidential election, yet CU did not fire him. Greg Cronin (right, working in Haiti) attempted to disrupt racism at CU. He was fired on Feb. 15, 2021 without the Regents of CU holding a public hearing, as required by their policy. Explore Dr. Cronin's personal experiences as a tenured professor at CU Denver and the challenges faced due to racism. Discover how his work with Black people in Haiti and speaking out against racism led to his termination.
Cronin vs. University of Colorado Board of Regents, Swallow, Jansma, Nairn, Horrell, Cass, Kennedy, and Marks
The full text of Civil Complaint can be found here.
Prof. Cronin was fired because he exposed the racism in CU's attitude towards Haiti. CU retaliated against Dr. Cronin over several years, created lies about his character, research, and teaching, violated his freedom of speech, and eventually fired him in violation of university policies.
Prof. Cronin settled his lawsuit out of court, with the main stipulation that there would be no non-disclosure agreement and no non-disparagement agreement. Dr. Cronin wants to expose the racist actions of the University of Colorado so that students, faculty, stakeholders, funders, and potential employees are aware, and can respond accordingly.
Future blogs will explore why Prof. John Swallow, Dean Pamela Jansma, Provost Roderick Nairn, Chancellor Dorothy Horrell, Dr. Stephen Cass, President Mark Kennedy, and Chancellor Michelle Marks were named as co-defendants. The entire Board of Regents is listed as a defendant, but the roles of Glen Gallegos and Lesley Smith will be emphasized in future blogs. Dr. Cronin's termination was also influenced by Prof. Mike Greene, Prof. Mike Wunder, Prof. Diana Tomback, Assoc. Dean Kathleen Bollard, and CU Attorneys Chris Puckett and Megan Clark. There will also be a special blog about how the Office of Equity enables racism at CU, using internal documents from Interim Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion Nelia Viveiros and former Director of the Office of Equity Karey Krohnfeldt. aims to expose and disrupt racism at the University of Colorado. This Blog exercises freedom of the press and strives to disseminate accurate information in this public forum. Inquiries can be made to Story ideas about racism at CU or higher education should be sent to